Episode 53: The Jacket by Widowspeak

Having been based in Upstate New York for a time, Widowspeak’s Molly Hamilton and Robert Earl Thomas would make the decision in 2020 to return to the place where their band had first begun, Brooklyn, New York. Unfortunately, their return to the city would coincide with the entire world being shut down. It is under these abnormal circumstances that Hamilton and Thomas would begin to build the world in which their sixth album would exist. In Episode 53, the members of Widowspeak tell the story of their 2022 album The Jacket. Recounting the events that led to its creation, Hamilton and Thomas touch on the album’s concept and inspirations as well as their experience working with co-producer Homer Steinwiess at The Diamond Mine in Queens, New York. 

For more info on Widowspeak, visit widowspeakforever.com or capturedtracks.com

Episode 19: The Molly Burch Christmas Album by Molly Burch

Following the release of her 2nd album in the Fall of 2018, singer-songwriter Molly Burch decides to spend 2019 making a Christmas record. For Episode 19 of In Loving Recollection, the Austin, TX based artist discusses how the The Molly Burch Christmas Album came to be. Telling the story of the album’s creation, Burch touches on the unexpected normalcy of recording holiday music during springtime as well as the lasting effects the project has had on her songwriting.

For more info on Molly Burch, visit mollyburchmusic.com and capturedtracks.com